The Mount Gay Music Fest was exciting and entertaining to all the patrons that attended this event. The event was held in the Grenadine island of Bequia and went on for 3 days. The entertainment featured bands like , The Country Relatives ,Denzil Bacchus Blues Band , and The Honky Tonics just to name a few. The crowd enjoyed part of each night.
Many people are also excited about the carnival season that is slowing approaching. Carnival is officially launched in May, while activities go through the month of June and ends in early July. Vincentians are hitting the gym are getting “Carnival Ready”. Everyone wants to look their best while they show case their costume while dancing to sweet Soca music down the streets of Kingstown .
Easter is also coming, many students look forward to this vacation especially seniors at high school and college students. This can be seen as their unofficial spring break as many people take advantage of the ongoing parties. This little vacation comes like a mini carnival in terms of the festivities and excitement. The nightlife at this time is live all through of mainland St.Vincent and other Grenadine islands.
Carnival and Easter Regatta are two of the most anticipated festivities!